Journaling has many benefits.
It can help you clear your mind, help you reach your goals, and even help you heal from trauma.
Journaling is therapeutic because it helps you focus and reflect on your feelings and experiences. It provides the opportunity for you to have control over your emotions and discover your resilience. With the clarity that emerges through journaling, you can find a deeper understanding of yourself.
Journaling can be difficult to start, but just remember that you have to start somewhere! You are journaling for yourself only, so don't feel any pressure. Be easy on yourself, and have fun! Write down whatever comes to mind. Your thoughts don’t have to be organized or perfectly written out.
Choose one prompt and spend some time writing about it.
After some time, you can also try coming back to the same prompt and see how your perspective has changed.
Here are 10 prompts to get you started.
Take them or leave them. It’s all up to you!
o How do you define personal growth? Why is it important?
o What was the most difficult thing you've let go of? What happened when you let go?
o In what ways can you be kinder to yourself?
o What are your top three bucket list items?
o What are you grateful for right now?
o When have you felt loved and supported over the past month/year?
o What are your favourite summer memories or traditions?
o If you had no fear, what would you do?
o How do you handle a bad day?
o Some advice I would give my younger self is:
Happy journaling!