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The word “connection” has different meanings for each person. The dictionary definition says “a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else”. In the past 3+ months everyone has needed to find new ways to connect with friends, family, co-workers & persons we associate with. Our world has been turned upside down with programs abruptly ending, leaving our office one day and not being able to return! We didn’t expect doors to schools, libraries, the health centre & other community buildings to be locked for so long!

So how do we connect with Co-workers? Well, we found zoom and other virtual platforms which helped but it isn’t the same as being in the office and having persons to check in with, share ideas & simply have connections with them!

How do WCHC staff connect with families/persons we work with? People we saw & had conversations with, groups we enjoyed, social times together, learning times, all of this stopping so abruptly. We didn’t get to say our usual “good-bye, see you in the fall”. The staff at WCHC needed to get creative. Those of us working with the Low German Speaking Mennonites (LGSM) needed to get extra creative knowing this group is often isolated, doesn’t have internet and needs to navigate the Canadian way of doing things while practicing social distancing. The children attend school but many adults are still learning the English language. We have ESL via the phone rather than classes. But what about the others, those who attended groups & programs? How are they managing during this pandemic?

We chose to do porch visits, a time to be face to face while practicing social distancing. We chose to deliver tangible items for parents & children. It was a lot of fun & a great way to connect! We partnered with the library and added some extra items from our programs. It was such a success we decided to do it again. This time, we partnered with Lucy Pearle for crafts for the children;

Beth Schlueter donated face masks; LGSM worker with MCC added items, and WCHC added a pattern to make face masks for the family, some vegetable seeds we knew the LGSM enjoy, a recipe for homemade playdough plus cooking recipes, colouring pages & information for parents about Covid-19 were part of the package. We were greeted with warm smiles and had good conversations and made connections, something we all were missing during this time of the pandemic.

At the end of June more porch visits, this time we used a reusable grocery bag that included a focus on oral health, healthy eating and outdoor summer activities. Once again we were greeted with warm & welcoming smiles! I think we are all missing one another & our various groups! The children got busy with the activities in the bag while the adults could have a social distance conversation.

Connections, we all need and value them! Especially in these days of Covid-19! Together, yet apart, we will all get through it!


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